Thursday, January 3, 2008

Tonight we Rock!

Today is our first show on this wild east odyssey. We play at the Youth Cultural House here in Ho Chi Minh City tonight. There is supposed to be a good crowd and we're ready to get on with the tour. We have a rehearsal/soundcheck with A local musician Nga on a bamboo xylophone type instrument called the T'rung.

Yesterday, we had a press conference at the American Center with about eight reporters. We had our trusty translator, Mr. Laun, with us and had a lively exchange. We've had a lot of press so far, much of it in Vietnamese. (If you Google Bob Livingston Vietnam, you can come up with quite a few online stories.)

Tucker has been up way before the crack of dawn everyday wandering about the city. He says that at 4AM the parks are full of folks exercising and practicing Tai Chi and other martial art forms. Everyone seems really fit here and I have not seen any obesity what-so-ever. I have tried to get on a normal schedule of getting up at 9AM or so. Due to the massive jet-lag, I do wake up at 4AM, but try "power" back to sleep.

Food has been somewhat of a problem for us so far because Tucker and I are vegetarians and have had some difficulty finding places to eat. But today we went out and found a little hole in the wall called Pho that had fantastic soup and pure papaya juice. To our surprise, there were several large pictures of President Clinton eating there in November 2000. While the crazed recount was going in in Florida, Clinton was visiting several countries around here and eating some mighty spicy food. So we must have been in the right place...

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